**Designates Club Monthly Meeting
January 2021**– No Meeting
February 2021**– No Meeting
March 2021**– No Meeting
April 12th 2021**- SPCAUC Monthly Meeting 7pm at UW Wanderoos, Amery
April __th – Sterling Trail Spring Clean-up
May 10th 2021**– SPCAUC Monthly Meeting 7pm at Sues, East Farmington
May 28th -31st – Minnesota Go4’s Total Off Road Rally at Trollhaugen, Public event, utv’s accepted with requirements
June 5th – Cat tail trail days/Free trail day. Ride on the Cat tail from Amery to Turtle Lake and back
June 14th 2021**– SPCAUC Monthly Meeting 7pm at Mix-Up, Amery (outdoors)
__________ – SPCAUC Spring Ride: Destination ?
July 3rd – Wanderoos Parade (meet top of the hill just before the lineup area before going to line up)
July 12th 2021**– SPCAUC Monthly Meeting 7pm at Osceola Lanes, Osceola (outdoors)
August 9th 2021**– SPCAUC Monthly Meeting 7pm at Waterside, Amery (outdoors)
__________ Summer Ride? Black River Falls??
September 12th – Osceola Parade 11am (meet at Oakey Park then will go to the line up location)
September 13th 2021**– SPCAUC Montly Meeting 7pm at Osceola Lanes, Osceola (outdoors)
September 18th – Amery Fall Festival Parade (meet at the Cattail trailhead then will go to the line up location)
September________ – FALL RIDE Destination TBD
September 25th – Huggs 4 Juggs – See more here
October 11th**– SPCAUC Monthly Meeting 7pm at TBD (3 year anniversary dinner by club)
November 5th – SPCAUC, “Meat Raffle”, 6:30pm at Sues in East Farmington
November 8th 2021**– SPCAUC Monthly Meeting 7pm at Sues, East Farmington
November 18th – UW Wanderoos Annual Hunting Party and Raffle, Please help sell raffle tickets!
December 13th**– SPCAUC Monthly Meeting 7pm at UW Wanderoos